Thursday 18 March 2010


In response to the meeting tomorrow I think people from the group are visiting museums and galleries tomorrow to get further inspiration but we can see who is around. We did come to some conclusions at the end of the meeting , concerning taking things back to more of a cloned look for the models taking inspiration from uniform/wartime and construction, thinking along the lines of keeping the styling really slick and simple and trying to use the show as more of a way to promote the message 'what is perfection'. (Im not saying these are the definate final ideas but just what we should maybe to focus on now rather then introducing new ideas ) What I think we really need to think back to what the guys liked about our idea in the first place rather then getting bogged down in the garment plans and the rules, there is alot more we can use to give interest to the show then just the clothes. We need to work on creating a suitable atmosphere and setting as these are just as important. But if people dont turn up i dont see why they should have any input in the decisions because we have two weeks to the show and we really need to make a decision on the final ideas and get on with it, we dont have time to keep explaining to people who have missed meetings what we have discussed.

That is just what i interpreted from todays meeting so if have made any mistakes , sorry (:

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