Monday 15 March 2010


As none of you brought any concepts to any of us about what you want us to make, we have already started and you will just have to work with what we've got! Can you please please please bring your ideas with you tomorrow so everyone is clear what they should be doing.

Did anyone work out the specific measurements for the 'ideal' face yet? I need these to start making cut outs for the goody bags.....quite urgent, can one of you get that done for tomorrow?

Hannah have you asked the guys in your halls about the lighting yet? Also has anyone drawn up plans for the set/layout? As we and graphics people will need these i imagine for prints.....although i have started using prints from old patterns which seems to be quite effective....just a thought.

How many models have we got so far? I have one..........

We really need to make this happen and all get involved tomorrow, so as Anneka said.....BRING AS MUCH WORK AS POSSIBLE!



  1. hey! just wondering what you've made Frankie? im in the process of making a jacket and skirt, think Anneka's made a top and skirt, just was wondering so we don't all make the same things x x

  2. Hi made a dress with the block patterns from fashion department. Am going to try and make some more things as I don't think many people are going to bother!!! I'll try make some trousers too, but may not have them finished by tomorrow! Xxx

  3. I am planning on meeting with all the show producers from the other groups to decide in which order it would be best each show takes place. So we all need to be agreed on what we actually want to do with the hall layout for our show.
    Also in terms of models... unless everyone is sure that we have enough reliable models I think we need to start looking into street scouting or ringing some agencies.


  4. When are you meeting with the other producers? Shall we perhaps then say to the graphics people to go ahead and use graphics from existing patterns? i shall post an example :)

  5. tomorrow i am going to try meet with them ... basically i just think we need to decide how we want the seating as i dont think there is alot more we will want to change with the hall where as other groups may be doing more.
    but i think using the patterns is a good idea,
    i like the pictures you posted - would work well i think xx

  6. Frank, that dress is what I'm looking for... it's just a simple generic dress... I'm gonna attempt to make another one of them myself but, as for the styling concept is concerned I thought we was gonna keep it plain and simple.. NO EMBELLISHMENTS ect ect... Just playing on hair and makeup?
