Monday 15 March 2010

the perfect face

It’s difficult to define perfect beauty as the parameters for a perfect face may vary according to individual preferences. However, scientists have narrowed down to simple mathematical ‘n magical ratio of 1:1.618, otherwise known as phi or divine proportion, to set standards of beauty. “Only one formula has been consistently and repeatedly present in all things beautiful, be in art, architecture or nature, but most importantly in facial beauty,” The Sydney Morning Herald quoted US dentist Yosh Jefferson, who operates a website dedicated to divine proportion, as saying.

He defines the formula and says, if the width of the face from cheek to cheek is 10 inches (25 centimetres), then the length of the face from the top of the head to the bottom of the chin should be 16.18 inches to be in ideal proportion. If you're keen to see how you measure up, keep in mind that the ratio of phi also applies to:
+ The width of the mouth to the width of the cheek.
+ The width of the nose to the width of the cheek.
+ The width of the nose to the width of the mouth.
Dr Stephen Marquardt has gone one step further to prove the correlation between the divine proportion and facial beauty by developing a phi mask that acts as an archetype of the ideal human face.


Saira Moham is an actress who is deemed to have the perfectly proportioned face.

1 comment:

  1. loving that mask i know julia roberts is ment to have an almost perfect face as well! now who wants to look like her? x x x
