Monday 22 March 2010

Hi, here are photo's of the dress and shorts I've made (sorry the images aren't great) - I hope their ok, and hopefully their similar to what other people have been doing! I'm going to try and make a top to go with the shorts today.

So I know there's been a lot of confusion about what we're doing, and I've missed a lot because I've been ill so this might be a bit irrelevant. Personally I really like the idea of 'the perfect face' and how it could be linked with cosmetic surgery. I don't know what's already been decided but I found this image:

I think the bandages could really work, especially with line's drawn on the models faces and on the garments too. Obviously we don't want it to look over done, but at the same time we have to commit to an idea completely otherwise the audience won't understand it.Please let me know what you think, and when are we next meeting up?

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