Tuesday 23 March 2010

23 March Meeting

Today some of our group met,

I know some people did let us know that they couldn't meet today but it is now 8 days till the show and there is nothing we can do but make a decision on the idea without everyone there and get on with it so this is what is decided.
We are talking influence from the George Orwell classic 1984 , starting with the quote 'FREEDOM IS SLAVERY, IGNORANCE IS STRENGTH.'
We are concentrating on the ideas of consumerism and how we have all become slaves to fashion.
By still using calico clothing as we are referencing how disposable fashion has become.
We are still going with the clone like idea for the model as this ties in with the whole idea that we are all trying to conform to something.
In terms of styling Jenny will be looking at slave fashion just to take inspiration for the final clothing designs.
As it goes for all other areas of the project everyone really need to put some effort in now we have 8 days and to be honest we haven't achieved a great amount so far, we really need team work and a lot of effort now.

See everyone at 10.30 tomorrow for the usual day with the tutors.

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