Thursday 18 March 2010

I was thinking about the concept some more while reading the novel '1984' by George Orwell that we could perhaps tie in the mediocrity of how things especially in fashion have become. From this I came up with a theme surrounding the idea of 'slavery' in that we are all slaves/victims of what we are forcefully made to consume/ingest everyday.

Here is a quote to inspire:


With this in mind and relating back to the block shapes we can possibly design slave wear, which would still coincide with the 'clone' idea and the block patterns as these are the 'basics'.

We could still use the faces to represent the fact that underneath whatever we wear we are still human beings.

The book 1984 is a post modern classic and i think it would be wonderful to draw on an idea such as this.

1 comment:

  1. i like it! good work! good book to be reading x x x
