Friday 24 December 2010

louboutin studded boots £573

As featured in our Top Ten for fall. Studs are a key trend for fall and this ankle boot style is pure biker-chic. A real season essential. Shown here with a Burberry Porsum tote, dress, a Fendi turtleneck and a Burberry Prorsum belt.

Tuesday 30 March 2010

who changed this layout? its ugly! lol x



and please NOONE be late!!


Show day tomorrow !!!! Here is the timetable I have worked out for the day, it is really tight so we have to be on schedule and in the right places ... so please can everyone be organised !

10.00 am - 11.00 am - get to uni , set up our space in the studio , iron/steam all garments
11.00 am - 11.30 am - models arrive
11.30 am - 12.30 pm - fit models and finalise who is wearing what outfit ( models back into own clothes while there hair and make-up is being done )
12.30 pm - 1.30 pm - hair and make-up
1.30 pm - 2.10 pm - LUNCH
2.10 pm - 2.40 pm - first run through in main hall
2.40 pm - 3.10 pm - properly dress models and tack into outfits
3.10 pm - FINAL RUN THROUGH with all groups - then send models to balcony.
4.00 pm - SHOWTIME

The models shoes will be brought to the studio for them to try on first thing and then taken to the balcony ready for the show as we cant have them being worn outside or mislayed.

Hope this sounds ok for everyone!
See you tomorrow, Hannah ! x

eve & hannah's outfits

I dunno if these are the right ones but...

Looks for the Show (rough)

How many models do we have now??? im worried, if we dont have enough we will have 2 dress a few of them twice and they might go out looking like shit!

Monday 29 March 2010

Kenneth Wong...


Can everyone post what they have made as we spent a long time making ours and it turns out no one has finished theres? There's no excuse. I've never made anything in my life but it's not that hard.


my model..

Sunday 28 March 2010

We need SHOES!!
Has anyone come up with anything yet??
Can everyone please send me why their outfit is their favourite.....i need it for the book! Thanks xx


im quessing that we are all going to go in all day tomorrow as we have alot left to do for wednesday ... and if everyone can please bring in their clothes because the stylists really need time to work out the outfits.
we also need to make sure we have our music ready as the cd is being made tomorrow.
yesterday we went street scouting for models but didnt have alot of luck... most people were busy in the day or just werent up for it... so will have to go around uni tomorrrow.
we did manage to get one other model though Hayley.

So if anyone cant make it tomorrow can you please let us know!
Hannah x
hi everyone, just to let you know i won't be able to make it to the show on wednesday for medical reasons. i've told lucy about it and she said i should let you all know. i hope the show goes well and everything gets sorted out.

Thursday 25 March 2010

bad news

neither of my 2 models can do the show anymore :/

we really need to get scouting!!

Wednesday 24 March 2010


Dear All

For Thursday (tomorrow) take a picture of your favourite outfit, something that represents you in any way, then make it out of calico. Think about shape and structure as well as something that you can make. Bring in your own clothes you have picked tomorrow so we can take pictures for the book. Would it help anybody if i bought in my sewing machine?

Friday , have a styling day where we bring in everything. The stylists will then collaborate and put them together.

Tuesday 23 March 2010


Ok, I know the past few weeks have been a bitch because we had NO idea how to style this collection so erm, basically... From Frankie's idea of slavery and "Slave To Fashion" I was thinking of using proper like heavy, chunky "jewelerry" made from calico to be like, draped across the neck, wrists and ankles like obviously how they used to chain the slaves together (but we don't wanna make it look dumb and obvious... so basically the jewelerry needs to look proper SLICK and not-so-slave-like but, also is... like the audience should know that's where we got the inspiration from) if you get what I mean.
And the outfits are GOING TO REMAIN THE SAME, same basic block dress to represent consumerision on fashion and all that la-di-dah.

I'm sorry about my poor English and the use of slang but, I just can't be bothered and I'm not suprised I haven't jumped on the train tracks yet.

Anyways, lemme know what you guys think... I'm sorta, well... quite happy now we have established a STYLE :) whoop. x

23 March Meeting

Today some of our group met,

I know some people did let us know that they couldn't meet today but it is now 8 days till the show and there is nothing we can do but make a decision on the idea without everyone there and get on with it so this is what is decided.
We are talking influence from the George Orwell classic 1984 , starting with the quote 'FREEDOM IS SLAVERY, IGNORANCE IS STRENGTH.'
We are concentrating on the ideas of consumerism and how we have all become slaves to fashion.
By still using calico clothing as we are referencing how disposable fashion has become.
We are still going with the clone like idea for the model as this ties in with the whole idea that we are all trying to conform to something.
In terms of styling Jenny will be looking at slave fashion just to take inspiration for the final clothing designs.
As it goes for all other areas of the project everyone really need to put some effort in now we have 8 days and to be honest we haven't achieved a great amount so far, we really need team work and a lot of effort now.

See everyone at 10.30 tomorrow for the usual day with the tutors.

Monday 22 March 2010


can you give me the details for the lighting , i have a friend of a friend who does lighting as a job and is trained fully with this , she would probably be willing to do it IF we can give her some idea of what we want ? ASAP :D

i no not all the info is correct but my friend made this poster for me , what do you guys thinkkkk?

Silvina Maestro


meeting ?

Is everyone around to meet tomorrow , we really need to discuss everything ?
How is 11 for everyone, all the show producers from all groups are meeting at half 1 to discuss invites and seating etc.

Anyway if everyone reply on here so we know whether or not to come in for 11 .

ideas for makeup im doing more but this is a start
Hi, here are photo's of the dress and shorts I've made (sorry the images aren't great) - I hope their ok, and hopefully their similar to what other people have been doing! I'm going to try and make a top to go with the shorts today.

So I know there's been a lot of confusion about what we're doing, and I've missed a lot because I've been ill so this might be a bit irrelevant. Personally I really like the idea of 'the perfect face' and how it could be linked with cosmetic surgery. I don't know what's already been decided but I found this image:

I think the bandages could really work, especially with line's drawn on the models faces and on the garments too. Obviously we don't want it to look over done, but at the same time we have to commit to an idea completely otherwise the audience won't understand it.Please let me know what you think, and when are we next meeting up?

Sunday 21 March 2010

hussain chalayan

just thought it put this up i like the concept , the simple and shocking ideal behing it . we were talking about all our models wearing the same thing , what about cutting bits out? removing areas , i think this could be intresting.

frankie found this its worth checking out
My Model Olivia , Dont no if we still need her but no one can seem to agree on models?

perfect face


this weekend has been shit, i have no idea what im supposed to do, and we are just over a week from the actual thing and even the invites havent been sent out, how can we design one, if everything else hasnt been decided. we really are running out of time. are we still doing the models fitting tues??. i think my models think im messing them about as i cant let them know anything.

Saturday 20 March 2010

IDEAAAAAAA (wrap up of all of ours)! COMMENT ASAP


BASICALLY i just think we have all thought too much and have gone past the line we should have stopped at, therefore i have tried to strip back to that and just tie up lose ends if you understand me :/

FOR THE STYLE - we should just do trends for now, and this will relate to how you can make your own clothes and dont have to follow the rules of mass production.

FOR THE SET- we could have the models walking on something that looks like a conveyor belt, two at a time (put the models in pairs who look the most similar) going to the music and pausing for a couple of seconds inbetween.

FOR THE HAIR + MAKE UP - plain face (maybe big eyebrows :) ) with slicked back hair?

MUSIC - portishead - machine gun 4.46 minutes long which means it would last all the way through and because of the pace of the beat they are walking and pausing to we would only need 8 or 10 models. also even the lyrics go 'the choice chosen for me'

GRAPHICS- the graphics team need to have a discussion about the boxes and invites but still get sketching! :)

below is just a couple of notes i made
-mass production of todays best sellers/trends
-you can easily make your own 'todays trends'

very simple and basic message, but thats what our idea is supposed to be really, thats what it was when they liked it

i REALLY hope you all like it :)

let me know what you think asap please!
hi guys sorry havent been in been really ill xplained to lucy hope she told use just let me no what the latest is an what needs 2 be done for monday an ill get up to date thanks
Can we communicate this weekend please?? We need to get cracking......

Friday 19 March 2010

making a mannequin

I have found instructions on how to make a dressmakers mannequin to your own body proportions out of household items in a book... I thought maybe this would be good for the goody bag or the little book we were talking about. It goes with the whole construction idea I thought.
I will bring it next time we meet up!

Thursday 18 March 2010

I was thinking about the concept some more while reading the novel '1984' by George Orwell that we could perhaps tie in the mediocrity of how things especially in fashion have become. From this I came up with a theme surrounding the idea of 'slavery' in that we are all slaves/victims of what we are forcefully made to consume/ingest everyday.

Here is a quote to inspire:


With this in mind and relating back to the block shapes we can possibly design slave wear, which would still coincide with the 'clone' idea and the block patterns as these are the 'basics'.

We could still use the faces to represent the fact that underneath whatever we wear we are still human beings.

The book 1984 is a post modern classic and i think it would be wonderful to draw on an idea such as this.


In response to the meeting tomorrow I think people from the group are visiting museums and galleries tomorrow to get further inspiration but we can see who is around. We did come to some conclusions at the end of the meeting , concerning taking things back to more of a cloned look for the models taking inspiration from uniform/wartime and construction, thinking along the lines of keeping the styling really slick and simple and trying to use the show as more of a way to promote the message 'what is perfection'. (Im not saying these are the definate final ideas but just what we should maybe to focus on now rather then introducing new ideas ) What I think we really need to think back to what the guys liked about our idea in the first place rather then getting bogged down in the garment plans and the rules, there is alot more we can use to give interest to the show then just the clothes. We need to work on creating a suitable atmosphere and setting as these are just as important. But if people dont turn up i dont see why they should have any input in the decisions because we have two weeks to the show and we really need to make a decision on the final ideas and get on with it, we dont have time to keep explaining to people who have missed meetings what we have discussed.

That is just what i interpreted from todays meeting so if have made any mistakes , sorry (:


Okay, so todays didn't go too well, but at least we managed to develop a bit more into different options.

But i still fear if we don't have some sort of meet up tomorrow, we may struggle with knowing what we need to do over the weekend and we are now less than two weeks away from the final show.

My suggestion is the FDSP studio at approximately 12 - 1 depending on everyones lecture times.


The Golden Rule

"All life is biology. All biology is physiology. All physiology is chemistry. All chemistry is physics. All physics is math."
Dr. Stephen Marquardt
Styling Ideas.
First of all sorry Im not there 2 day. My mum left for a meeting this morning and is coming back soon to work from home and she forgot her keys so basically ive been told 2 wait at home and let her in. But I am working from home marking the garments, finishing off my jacket and coming up with styling ideas.

ok my styling ideas. I was thinking to madly excessories with calico so dying it, plaiting it, pinning it to make nacklaces, bracelets ect.

What is everyones idea. I think at least one rule needs to be broken to make this look exciting.

Wednesday 17 March 2010

Today's lustful events...

Can we say around 12 instead of 11......?
What time is best for all to meet in the morning?? X

Rules and regulations for miss natural beauty 2010Contestants must be unmarried (e.g. single, divorced, widowed, single mother) as of the start date of the final.
Must be between 20 - 45 years as of the start date of the Miss Natural Beauty Pageant 2010.
Delegate shall be a British citizen or reside in the United Kingdom.
Make up should be as natural in tone as possible to flatter the face rather than create a mask.
No implants are allowed.
Hair extensions will be accepted (only ½ head) , however, a point will be deducted from the judges.
Fake tans will be accepted.
Contestants are prohibited from wearing artificial accessories such as fake nails or fake eyelashes or wigs.
BCE reserve the right to refuse any prospective contestants without explanation and to withdraw certain contestants during the pageants selection process due to inappropriate behaviour, or violations of the rules and regulations.
Prospective contestants should prepare their attire using as natural materials as possible.
Make up used by the contestants should be their own, however, make up artists and hairdressers will be available.
All finalists should be available for rehearsals.

Must be at least 15 and no older than 19 as of the start date of the Miss Teen Natural Beauty pageant 2010.
Must be single and never married as of the start date of the pageant event.
Must not have ever had a child.
Must remain unmarried during her reign as a UK titleholder should she win.
If a Teen is engaged to be married during her reign as Miss Teen Galaxy she will be disqualified.
Delegate shall be a British citizen or reside in the United Kingdom.
Any teen applying for entry should be actively involved with or have been involved with a charity.
All contestants under 18 years, as of the start of the final, must be accompanied by a parent or legal guardian.
The parent or legal guardian will bear their own costs for all expenses including travel and accommodation.

Tuesday 16 March 2010

my model. . . . . .


hi, sorry i haven't been in recently because i've been ill. i will have time to make 2-3 garments this weekend, but i don't want to make them if we don't need them, was anything decided about who is making what? and what type of garment we need? i won't be in tomorrow either but if there is anything else i can do from home, just let me know. michelle.x



i agree think we should give the masks to the other group, seeing as they've had a really ruff time of it! plus think it'll be almost more creepy with the marks draw on the models faces! almost like plastic surgery marks which fits into our idea a bit better "its all about what people think beauty is" and how ridiculous their/our perception is! and the rules our society creates! (even tho we love them secretly!) sorry if iv spelt lots of stuff wrong!

the image aren't great but has anyone seen that ep of sex and city?! when samantha whats to get muscle from her bum put into her face?! she looks so scary when the doctor draws all the lines on her!!

i also think we need colour on the face, maybe just some blusher or something? x




My two guests are Catherine sales and her +1 .

And these are the two models that have said they will do it and they haven't let me down before.

Bianca Watson (left)

And Frances Housom (right)


Right!!! Carrie and lucy's group are intending to use the same masks as us!!! But basically we AREN'T going to let them!!! We need to tell then that we had the idea AGES ago and have got ALL our masks!! Maybe they stole our idea?? And they are after us in the they will be the ones that look stupid! We need to enforce that they DON'T use the masks as we need them!!! Xxxx

my two models! might be able to get more x

they are both pretty and tall and lovely and skinny! x x x x x